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Important notes:

1. The times shown are in Japan Standard Time (JST) or UTC +9. Please click the time of a session to convert the start time to your local time.

2. Please click on the university's name to go to its corresponding Zoom link.

    *Some sessions require a passcode for participation.

3. Abbreviations: U: Undergraduate programs; G: Graduate programs


Introduction to Center for Japanese Language

ID: 979 8567 2770
*Pswd: 862227

ID: 812 776 0227

Introduction to the School of Letters and the Graduate School of Humanities

U + G

ID: 325 088 9389

U + G

For Future Graduate Students


ID: 812 8409 7377

ID: 939 2699 3716
*Pswd: 299503

・Introduction to Okayama University

U + G

Introduction to Sophia University and English-taught programs

U + G

ID: 964 7881 8491
*Pswd: sophia

  IUJ Overview
-Admission Procedure
Scholarship Information


ID: 870 2846 2002

U + G

ID: 325 088 9389


・Introduction to Okayama University

ID: 939 2699 3716
*Pswd: 299503

U + G

ID: 893 6014 8351
*Pswd: 922671

U + G

ID: 325 088 9389

Introduction to Undergraduate Programs


ID: 842 5884 0949
*Pswd: 898912

ID: 893 6014 8351
*Pswd: 922671


ID: 939 2699 3716
*Pswd: 299503

U + G

・Introduction to Okayama University

Introduction to English-based Degree Program 

ID: 988 6464 7891


ID: 812 776 0227

Introduction to Osaka University

U + G

ID: 606 001 5822
*Pswd: 3i8ybL


Introduction to Chukyo University and Division of Global Liberal Studies


Introduction to Science Tokyo Graduate School -
Science & Engineering

ID: 994 8330 1141


ID: 893 6014 8351
*Pswd: 922671

・Introduction to Okayama University

U + G

ID: 939 2699 3716
*Pswd: 299503

ID: 812 776 0227

U + G

ID: 848 0534 8996

Introduction to the School of Engineering and the Graduate Schoo l of Engineering

U + G

Important notes:

1. The times shown are in Japan Standard Time (JST) or UTC +9. Please click the time of a session to convert the start time to your local time.

2. Please click on the university's name to go to its corresponding Zoom link.

   *Some sessions require a passcode for participation.

3. Abbreviations: U: Undergraduate programs; G: Graduate programs

U + G

ID: 325 088 9389

Introduction to Center for Japanese Language


ID: 956 8060 8592
*Pswd: 793732

-About Nagaoka University of Technology
-Introduction of SDG Professional Course


ID: 982 0113 9350
*Pswd: 368791

U + G

Introduction to Sophia University and English-taught programs

U + G

ID: 979 0686 7736
*Pswd: sophia

Introduction to Kansai University

ID: 922 4923 8190 
*Pswd: 142226

ID: 870 2846 2002


  IUJ Overview
-Admission Procedure
Scholarship Information

Introduction to Graduate Programs

U + G

ID: 871 3494 2030
*Pswd: 478849

U + G

- Introduction to  YOKOHAMA National University
- Introduction to YOKOHAMA Socrates Program
- Introduction to Graduate Program in the field of Civil Engineering

U + G

ID: 325 088 9389

U + G

ID: 997 5584 9154

ID: 812 776 0227

Introduction to Osaka University


U + G

ID: 325 088 9389

ID: 812 776 0227

Introduction to Human Sciences International 
Undergraduate Degree Program

・Overview of Keio University
・PEARL Program 


ID: 898 4220 6961

Introduction to English-based Degree Program 

ID: 965 9311 3215


ID: 812 776 0227

Introduction to the Graduate School of Science and the International 
Undergraduate Program in Science

U + G

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